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Congratulations to graduate student Shannon Wong Lerner for having a chapter published in “Breathing with Luce Irigaray”!

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Breathing with Luce Irigaray

Editor(s): Lenart Skof, Emily A. Holmes
Media of Breathing with Luce Irigaray

Published: 10-10-2013
Format: Hardback
Edition: 1st
Extent: 256
ISBN: 9781441115485
Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy
Dimensions: 6 1/8″ x 9 1/4″
List price: $120.00
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About Breathing with Luce Irigaray

Contributors to this volume consider the implications of ‘the Age of Breath’: a spiritual shift in human awareness to the needs of the other figured through breathing. Awareness of the breath allows us to attend to our bodies and the bodies of others, to animals, nature, other cultures, oppressed minorities, and the other of sexual difference. As a way to connect body and spirit, self and other, nature and culture, and East and West, breathing emerges as the significant theological and philosophical gesture of our time.
Philosophy has too often cut off metaphysical thought from this living, breathing world with its animal and female bodies, just as religious traditions have repressed the breathing flesh in favour of calcified word. The re-introduction of breath into philosophy and theology draws our awareness back to the body, to respect for the other, and to nature, making awareness of the breath essential for an embodied ethics of difference in our globalized, ecological age. These themes are addressed by an international team of scholars, including Luce Irigaray.

Table Of Contents

List of Contributors
1. Towards Breathing with Luce Irigaray Lenart Škof & Emily A. Holmes
Part I: Spiritual Breathing
2. When Cherubim Touch: The Cleaving Feminine Wing of the Dual-Gendered Cherubim in 2 Chronicles (Divrei Hayammim 3: 11-12) Julie Kelso
3. The Gift of Breath: Toward a Maternal Pneumatology Emily A. Holmes
4. The Prayers We Breathe: Embodying the Gift of Life in the Maternal Feminine Eleanor Sanderson
Part II: Intercultural Breathing
5. Breath of Awakening: Nonduality, breathing and sexual difference Jean Marie Byrne
6. That Tender Discipline: Spacing, Structured Nothingness & Kumbhaka Antonia Pont
Part III: Natural Breathing
7. Towards a shared desire for sustainability: Rethinking community starting from different feminine approaches to nature Claudia Bruno
8. Breathing With the Natural World: Irigaray, environmental philosophy, and the alterity of nature Tomaž Grušovnik
9. Breathing with Animals: Irigaray’s Contribution to Animal Ethics Sara Štuva
Part IV: Contextual Breathing
10. All of My Work is Performance: Irigarayan Methods of Breath for Dance and Voice Shannon Wong Lerner
11. Subjectivity and Sexual Difference: New Figures of the Feminine in Irigaray and Cavarero Diane Perpich
12. Breathing the Political: A meditation on the preservation of life in the midst of war Elisha Foust
13. The Distant (‘dis-t?nt) Stillness that is ‘Breth Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa
Part V: Conclusion
14. To Begin with Breathing Anew Luce Irigaray


“Skof and Holmes have brought together an international group of scholars to think with, to breath with, Irigaray, on what it means to think and act an ethics of breath. These essays are inspirational and moving. They invite us to think while breathing at a different tempo, more mindfully of our shared life.” –  Eduardo Mendieta, Professor of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, USA“An unusually diverse range of international scholars and practitioners in various fields take up Luce Irigaray’s recent work inspired, in part, by her own yoga practice. Without avoiding the difficult questions of essentialism, Orientalism, and white solipsism, they find within this work breathing room, if you will, for engaging significant issues that arise where theory and practice, body, mind and spirit meet.” –  Ellen Armour, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair in Feminist Theology, Director of the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender and Sexuality, Vanderbilt University, USA

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