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Graduate Teaching Assistant

Office: 307 Bynum Hall
Office Hours: By appointment







BA in English with a concentration in Literature, Writing, and Rhetoric, NC State University, MA in Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


A North Carolina native, Ian has been a DJ, game designer, labor reporter, and pro wrestling historian. Prior to pursuing his PhD, he was a featured weekly columnist at VICE Sports, and his writing on digital labor and other topics can be found at Jacobin, VICE, Paste, The Guardian, and quite a few others.

Research Interests:

Ian’s research interests concern the connections between design, mass production, and craft movements. He examines both the labor conditions under which these activities occur and the communities which spring up around them. His prospective dissertation is in an examination of the material history of miniatures wargaming, both as a matter of political economy and how they are used to rhetorically imagine history.