Teaching Assistant Professor
Area of Study: Interpersonal and Organizational Communication
Email: jesica.s.wiley@unc.edu
Office: Bynum Hall 301A
Office Hours: Fridays 12:30-2:30
UNC-Chapel Hill PhD
Louisiana State University MA
Butler University BA
I teach classes with the hopes that – together with students – we can make theory “go” in our everyday lives and communities. My hope, always, is that students experience the classes I teach as creative, critical communities of practice – and that they’re able to find points of intersection between their everyday lives and future aspirations and communication theory and research. I typically teach courses that focus on praxis: theory-informed practice. This means that I usually ask students to dive deeply into both theory and its applications so that we can experience how each helps us ask better questions of the other. I teach courses in a variety of topics dealing with organizational communication, interpersonal communication, and community work. I am also passionate about the theory and practice of teaching and learning – I’m a teacher at heart who has taught folks in contexts from preschools to prisons, corporate boardrooms to college classrooms.
When I’m not in the classroom, you can find me thinking about teaching and community in a variety of places … but my favorites are in the woods with my husband and three boys, working in the garden, making art, or in the workshop. I also like to help out with our local schools and scouting troop.