The Political Role of the Intellectual:
A Roundtable Discussion
UNC-CH, Campus Y Building, Anne Queen Lounge -
For many of us, the decision to enter academia was motivated by a tacit belief that the university, and intellectual practice more generally, offered a space for political engagement. While the forms of such engagement may vary, cultural studies has historically provided a space for conversation and maintenance around what it means to be a politically efficacious intellectual within changing political contexts.
We offer the roundtable discussion on November 12th entitled The Political Role of the Intellectual, featuring the scholars Alvaro Reyes, Wahneema Lubiano, Michael Hardt, and Lawrence Grossberg, in service of such an endeavor. We recognize that this roundtable is one piece of an ongoing discussion, and we invite all members of the cultural studies community to attend the roundtable as active participants in this discussion.
Our panel participants have each provided a short reading that will help continue this conversation. We encourage interested scholars to read these pieces and respond over the UPCS listserv or at the roundtable with any insights, provocations, and/or lines of flight that might further our understanding of what it means to be a politically engaged intellectual. You can access the readings at
Light refreshments provided.
Sponsored by Cultural Studies at UNC.