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Area of Study: Rhetorical Studies

Office: 119 Bynum Hall
Office Hours: By Appointment
Curriculum Vitae 

Twitter: @coridauber


Dr. Cori E. Dauber (@coridauber) is Professor of Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she is also a Research Fellow at the Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS.) She is co-editor of Visual Propaganda and Extremism in the Online Environment (US Army War College Press, 2014), and the author of You Tube War: Fighting in a World of Cameras in Every Cell Phone and Photoshop on Every Computer (US Army War College Press, 2010). She has been the Visiting Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College. Her research focus is the communication strategies of terrorist groups, with a particular focus on their use of visual imagery. Her work has been published in venues such as Military Review, Armed Forces & Society, Rhetoric & Public Affairs, and, and she has presented her research to the Canadian Forces College, the John Kennedy School for Special Warfare, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the NATO Communication and Information Conference among others. Dr. Dauber holds a Ph.D. and BS from Northwestern University, and an MA from Chapel Hill, all in Communication Studies.

Research Interests

Dr. Dauber’s research focuses on the online visual propaganda strategies of terrorist groups, particularly the Islamic State and Al Queda and its affiliates. Her current research (with Mark D. Robinson) involves the development of an analytic methodology that would make possible a systematic and quantifiable evaluation of the qualitative elements of extremist visual products.

Recent Honors

An articled submitted by Dr. Dauber and Mark Robinson was accepted by the journal Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. The article is based on research they presented at the Terrorism and Social Media Conference at Swansea, Wales during the summer of 2017. Dr. Dauber was a featured plenary speaker at the NATO Communication and Information Conference in Valencia, Spain during the fall of 2017, addressing delegates from more than 20 nations as well as SACEUR, and Allied Command (Transformation). Dr. Dauber and Mark Robinson will be presenting at a conference on Violent Extremism, Terrorism, and the Internet in Amsterdam this summer.