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Communication Studies at UNC will be well represented at this year’s annual Theodore Clevenger Undergraduate Honors Conference, sponsored by the Southern States Communication Association.  To be held in April, the conference presents the best scholarship produced by communication studies students from around the nation.  All of the papers listed below were written as course research projects in the Department of Communication Studies (course number and instructor in parentheses).  Congratulations to everyone!

Murderers as Victims: Reassigning Guilt in Al Gore’s Columbine Memorial Address
Ashley Allen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  (COMM 472 Blair)

Barthes’ notion of “the writerly” in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest and the Kenyon College Address
Sarah Brady, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (COMM 472 Blair)

Claritin Clear: Underlying Persuasive Strategies of the Claritin Allergy Medication Website
Paige Comparato, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (COMM 312 Waltman)

Digital Heroes, Virtual World and Real Persuasion
Sven Dwulecki, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (COMM 312 Waltman)

The Rearrangement of Nomos in Presidential Campaigns 
Taylor Lacey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (COMM 170 Fifield)

* Representation, Heteronormativity, and Hegemony in The Secret Life of Tom Gabel
Max Puhala, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (COMM 472 Blair)

*Max Puhala’s paper will be presented on the Top Papers panel.

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